Saturday, September 26, 2009

I am NOT sick

I helped a friend hang a new door today (one of his dogs are a bit too enthusiastic about getting in and out). It's been pretty warm today, and more than half of the job required being outside on the unshaded steps. Other than getting hot and sticky, not to mention getting a fair share of sawdust and drywall dust on me, I was feeling alright. In fact, in the past few weeks, when everyone at school has been coming down with one bug or another, I've remained healthy.
I've also been a bit smug about it.
So it serves me right that on the drive home - looking forward to a well deserved shower - my throat started feeling scratchy. By the time I stepped into said shower my neck felt achy and my throat was burning. So it's hot tea with honey and lemon, and early to bed for me.

Friday, September 25, 2009

And So It Begins

Or, so it began...
birthdays, birthdays, birthdays! Except for Desi, who is our summer baby, fall is the start of the birthday season. Alex, Nick, Michele, and LoRen - not to mention Nick C., and all of my grandbabies. That, plus all of the holidays make this the most wonderful time of year.

I asked Nick for birthday suggestions since sending things to Virginia will take a bit of planning ahead, and he came up with a single request. No i-pods, or snow boards, or flashy stuff. He just asked that anyone who wants to know what to send to tell them that he'd like help toward his ticket home for Christmas break. He'll be able to spend a couple of weeks at home before the next semester starts. I know how much he loves it in Virginia, so I'm thrilled that he's still eager to visit. So, for anyone who's interested, and would like to extend a green birthday wish to Nick, you can contact me or his Dad, and we can get you his address.

So, happy happy to everyone.

Friday, August 28, 2009

College Boy

Nick sent me a picture of his half of his dorm room (sorry it's so small-Nick took it with his phone and sent it in a text). It looks similar to his room at home with the essentials of bed,although he hasn't slept in a bunk bed in forever, and desk. He's already asked for a few things to be sent in a care package. I'm sure he'll find something he likes to adorn the walls (He gave his Mars Volta poster away before he moved).
OK Nick, hurry up and start your own blog so everyone can keep up with you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Last Supper

Part 1

This last Monday we had a big family dinner so everyone could have a chance to say goodbye to Nick. Almost everyone was there, and those who couldn't make it had real life emergencies to attend to, but still sent their love and support.
We barbecued, and proved that Michele can host a party of 50 at her home.
For me personally, it was a great night. I got to visit some Freemans that I truly love, and haven't seen in many years. It was so heartwarming to feel the love and support of everyone as we all expressed our pride in Nick. I want to thank everyone who showed up, and for those who so generously "donated" to Nick's college fund.

The next evening we went to Michele's again (it may have been that all our extra chairs were at her house... we really weren't trying to wear her out) and had home made tacos - just the immediate family - so we could have one last dinner together before he left.

This pic (above) is from last Friday at Frank's house for Pizza Night - I thought I'd put a before and after of Nick's hair for you to see

I know these aren't a lot of pictures - I don't seem to be the photog that Michele is, so my advise is to tell you to look forward to Michele's blog about both of these nights and you'll get a much better variety (not to mention higher quality) of pictures.

For more of this story please read the post below!

He's Flown the Coop (literally)

Sequel to "The Last Supper"
(see last blog)

Today Don, Desi, and I drove Nick to San Jose Int'l. Airport. It was the last thing we could do for him before he left for college - the last time we'll give any kind of hands on parenting (from here on out it'll just be advise if he asks) - and the last time he'll feel like our little boy. On the flip side of that... It's a whole world of "firsts" for Nick. First airplane trip - first time living on his own - first real away (far away) time from home - first time (in several years) that he's had such short hair!

I meant to get a step by step picture book of this monumental hair cut, but these pics should give you the general idea.

After I took this shot I realized that you can't really see how much hair there was on the floor. Seriously, you could have made a small animal out of what was swept away!

I read Michele's blog "I heart U" and felt kind of jealous. Aaron may not give her all the info she wants, but he's here to ask. And still willing to tell her - at least the things he remembers :). I look forward to hearing all about school and what Virginia is like. I'm excited to have more adult conversations with him. I know he'll make friends quickly and easily, and I hope he doesn't get too homesick.

Because of airport security we could only see him to the security gate. There wasn't even an observation area to watch arrivals and departures. So we got in our last hugs and watched him till he passed out of site into the terminal. Then we kind of waited, teary eyed, till we knew he was boarding the plane (we texted back and forth till then). We finally went back to the car for the ride home.

So my new mantra is "three and a half more months, just three and a half more months"

He'll be home for Christmas vacation before we know it - and I am serious about my "travel" fund, but I won't be able to do that before Christmas.
So, I love you Nicky, and I miss you. I know you'll do great! Can't wait to see you in three and a half months!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nick's New Home

This is the campus of Southern Virginia University that will be Nick's home in a few days.
Don't you kind of envy him?

Friday, August 21, 2009

All Grown Up

I remember when I was 8 years old and my oldest brother went away to the University of San Diego. He seemed like a grown man - he was all of 18 years old.

Well now my baby boy is going away to college. To the University of Southern Virginia. I am so exited for him, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that he's all grown up.

He actually registered at FCC and started the semester when SVU contacted him with the offer of a fantastic scholarship. Well, that's something you don't turn down... even if it's just for the leaving town experience (of course, I told him that messing around and having his GPA drop is absolutely not acceptable).
I think he had a total of 10 days to decide if he definitely wanted to go. But, having his girlfriend attend another University that's located less than 10 miles from SVU might have factored in somewhat.
So... he's really gonna be gone. Knowing that his cell phone is on my plan will give me some perks - like telling him if he doesn't call somewhat regularly that the phone will be turned off, and knowing I can call whenever and be sure to get him. Still, I keep thinking back to my darling toddler who was such a huggy little boy. I know he'll be fine as sure as I know I'll worry about him since he's my first baby to actually leave town. I don't think I care for that part of it at all. I guess I'll just have to start a "travel" fund at the bank.

I had to snap a picture of Nick in his element - sitting at his desk

however, this is the more common view as you pass by the door to his room, and that's OK considering he wants to be a computer engineer.

Friday, August 7, 2009


1. First thing you wash in the shower? Hair

2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Not a hoodie person

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes

4. Do you plan outfits? Whenever I possibly can.

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Restless.

6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red? A book (Webster's College Edition Dictionary)

7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? I dream alot, but I can't remember most of them.

8. Did you meet anybody new today? Does the FedEx guy count?

9. What are you craving right now? employment

10. Do you floss? All the time

11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Cabbage soup diet!

12. Are you emotional? I hate to admit it, but yes - very

13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? Yes (I think I might have a slight case of OCD)

14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Bite

15. Do you like your hair? Yes, I just got it cut today.

16. Do you like yourself? Sometimes.

17. Would you go out to eat with George W.Bush? If he was paying - and to see how many grammatical errors he'd make.

18. What are you listening to right now? The fan.

19. Were your parents strict? Mom yes. Dad no.

20. Would you go sky diving? No.

21. Do you like cottage cheese? Love it. Either with pepper and ketchup,or with pineapple.

22. Have you met a celebrity? Actually quite a few. My favorite is still Billy Gibbons.

23. Do you rent movies often? Not very often.

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in right now? My shot glass collection.

25. How many countries have you visited? Mexico and Canada (I really can't count stops I've made from cruise ships)

26. Have you made a prank phone call? When I was young.

27. Ever been on a train? Yes.

28. Brown or white eggs? My favorite are brown.

29.Do you have a cell-phone? I've had a cell phone since 1992.

30.Do you use chapstick? Sometimes.

31. Do you own a gun? I used to several years ago, but I sold it.

32. Can you use chop sticks? Yes.

33. Who are you going to be with tonight? Mr. Monk and Sean Spencer (he he-I'll be watching the season premiers of Monk and Psych.

34.Are you too forgiving? I forgive those I love easily, not so much others.

35. Ever been in love? Yes

36. What are your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Probably yard work.

37. Ever have cream puffs? yes!

38. Last time you cried? I cry all the time! Kelley gave me a hug for Baron today and I had to blink back the tears.

39. What was the last question you asked? "How is your pain today?"

40. Favorite time of the year? Summer

41. Do you have any tattoos? No, but I've seen some really awesome tattoos, and I respect anyone who can put up with that much pain to make a personal statement.

42. Are you sarcastic? Probably too much.

43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? Not all the way through.

44. Ever walked into a wall? I'd like to be cool and say no, but sadly... yes.

45. Favorite color? Blue or green.

46. Have you ever slapped someone? Yes.

47. Is your hair curly? Don't I wish.

48. What was the last CD you bought? A jazz CD for a friend for Christmas.

49. Do looks matter? Of course.

50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? If I loved them yes, but I fear it would always be hanging over our relationship.

51. Is your phone bill sky high? No.

52 Do you like your life right now? For the most part.

53. Do you sleep with the T.V. on? I've fallen asleep in front of the TV, but I'd never do it on purpose.

54. Can you handle the truth? Always!

55. Do you have good vision? It gets a little worse every day.

56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Many people irritate me, I dislike several people, but I only really hate one person.

57. How often do you talk on the phone? Everyday, I like to talk.

58. The last person you held hands with? Aaron.

59. What are you wearing? Bra, panties and shirt.

60.What is your favorite animal? A Lyger (just kidding - my dog)

61. Where was your profile picture taken? In the bathroom in front of a mirror.

62. Can you hula hoop? Not in years and years.

63. Do you have a job? not right now.

64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Beef ribs - to try a new cooking recipe.

65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes.

Monday, July 20, 2009

She's Gone

I didn't know if I was going to make this post. If I could get through it without getting very sad again. But this site is about all the things that mean the most to me, so I couldn't leave it out.

Baron died last Thursday.
She was just shy of 14 years, and was my dog for almost 10 of those. She was a hand-me-down from someone I didn't really know who just didn't have the time for her. But from the first day it was like we had always been together. Always by my side, following my directions - even waiting for an OK from me if someone else gave an order. My kids used to say I liked her more than them, and I jokingly said it was because she obeyed me better than they did. But all jokes aside, I loved her very much, and she listened, and understood, and comforted, and played, and just loved me back. If the gate was left open she'd sniff around the block then come back and wait for me She was always exuberant and puppy like, at least up till last year when she started acting her age. I don't know how I was so lucky to have such a great friend.

I buried her back by the swing.
I'll miss her for a long time.
Thank you everyone for sending me such nice comforting notes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No Pictures

Well, I've been waiting for almost a month (and harassing Michele the whole time) for pictures so I could put up a post about my surprise Birthday Party.
See, Michele organized everyone to meet at Olive Garden, then nonchalantly called and asked if she could take me to dinner. It was a completely unexpected happy surprise! I got to visit with everyone, I got fantastic gifts, and, well Olive Garden is one of my favorite places to eat. I was even more overwhelmed because it happened mid-week, and how often can everyone get together mid-week? Anyway, because it was such a surprise I didn't even think about taking pictures. Nick C. was the photog that night, and Michele said she'd send me the pictures for my blog. I have to give her some slack because through all of this she's been finishing moving into the house - finishing up the school year for the kids (now all the way across town since the move) - and taking care of the million and one things a mom does.
So just imagine...
The entire back room at Olive Garden was ours. We were just shy of 20 people (that's a lot of Robbins to have in one place). There was good food, good company, and laughing - oh my goodness, so much laughing! Since then we've gotten together for mini reunions, graduations, and next week is Marissa's birthday... We've really kicked off the summer right!
Don't you just love family?

Monday, May 25, 2009

An E Ticket Day

For my birthday this year I decided to take Disney up on their promotion of "come free on your birthday". Since my birthday fell on a Monday I figured I'd go solo and just enjoy the day. Fortunately for me, LoRen had a big desire to go to Disneyland, and was able to juggle her class on that day (she actually had the professor give her the final on a different day!). So, in the dark early hours we got in the car and started on our way.
It was so much fun to be going to The Happiest Place On Earth" since I hadn't been in about 20 years. Everything was different! So different that after we got our tickets we turned the wrong way and accidentally entered California Adventures by mistake. We got it straightened out and were shuttled over to the correct park, and the fun began. Because it was a Monday the crowds were not overbearing at all. And because we didn't have any little ones we got to indulge in total selfish behavior. We hit all the fun rides - and there was almost no wait time. I had never been on Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, but it is now my favorite ride. Anyway, the day was a blast, and thanks to LoRen we had multi-vitamins plus so we never got worn out. I'm really thankful to Lowie for making the day better than it ever could have been if I'd gone by myself. We were having so much fun that we didn't think to take a bunch of pictures, but here is proof that we did, in fact, go.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Empty Nest Syndrome

Or, "He's Flown the Coop"

It went faster than I thought it would, but as soon as Peck mastered flying he just didn't want to stay in. I decided to release him on Thursday morning, figuring that if he was having trouble I could help him out that afternoon. And he did stay till I got home from work. I whistled to him and he flew to the gate - chirped at me 3 or 4 times - then he flew off high over my head and over the neighbors house.

I filled him up on as many worms as I could first.

I'm glad he's doing well and I hope he thrives!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Can you believe how big Peck is? As he grows quickly to maturity it's plain to see that he's not a Robin. I really wanted him to be, for obvious name reasons, but I'm not sad. I'm ecstatic that he's so healthy. Mona thinks he may be a blackbird. I'll keep you updated.

I know this picture is blurry, but I had to show everyone that his leg is healed, and he's actually perching on my thumb with both feet (the foot? talon? grasping my thumbnail was the injured leg). This was the first time he did that, and I really breathed a sigh of relief at this milestone.

I have really enjoyed raising this baby - it's made me feel all Earth Mothery.

Friday, May 15, 2009

They Grow So Fast

It is amazing to me what 5 short days means in the life of a bird. In my internet studies I've learned that by 3 weeks old a baby robin is ready to face life it's own. Also, that in the wild robins can live to be 12 years old. It would be cool if Peck decides to hang around this area for that long.

As you can see, he's really getting big! He eats alot (I finally broke down and bought some night crawlers and meal worms), but fortunately they sleep - or are at least quiet - from dust till dawn, so I haven't had to miss any real sleep.

I got Andrew, Desi's boyfriend, to hold Peck so you could get a perspective of how he's grown. Desi is kind of scared of Peck now that he's stronger, and I couldn't get her to hold him for the pic (well, she is the baby of the family)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Growing Pains

I'm pretty sure that the birdie has a broken leg. It's up high enough that I can't wrap it, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the bones knit together and mend so that he'll be able to use that leg. I asked one of the students at school if he had any suggestions for a name and he said "Why don't you call him Peck?" I think it fits perfectly. So, he is now officially "Peck".

Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby Pictures

This is how we found our baby

When Alex first picked up the bird it was so exhausted it fell asleep and didn't move! If we hadn't seen the rapid rise and fall of its breathing I would have thought it had died.

The first attempt at feeding was a little messy...

So far so good... The baby makes Gigi nervous, but baby birds grow quickly so she'll just have to wait it out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


While walking down Cortland Alex came upon a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. It still has baby fuzz and is just starting to get some pin feathers. No mama bird was around trying to protect it, and one of its legs was hurt. So, Alex called me and I met her with a box full of nesting material. The first hour the bird didn't want to open it's eyes and I was scared that it was going to die any minute. But after resting from the trauma of the day it has eaten and pooped several times,and seems generally content. From the look of the beak I think it's a baby Robin. I went on line and read that veterinary offices feed baby robins moistened dog food. As they get older you can add fruit to the diet, and if I really want to get into it I could dig up some worms and feed it that. Alex took a picture, but left before downloading it for me to post. I'll put that up (plus more if the bird thrives and actually lives to be released) next post.
When I was much younger I actually raised a baby pigeon from about the same age till it flew off to be with the wild birds. The coolest thing after he was released was that a few times I would go outside to the front yard and look at the pigeons in the street (there were at least a hundred that lived in the tree across the street) and from the middle of the flock my pigeon would fly toward me and land on my outstretched hand. His name was Dodo - cause he was so ugly - but I won't name this one till I'm confident it's going to survive. So keep your fingers crossed and wish the both of us luck.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time Flies

The weekends are never long enough - So much work I want to do...
I didn't get the back yard mowed, but I did give the dogs a bath
(it was exhausting work), and I used the dremel for the first time to shorten their nails (yay for me!) Baron loved the attention, and since she's deaf the sound didn't bother her. GiGi was pretty skittish, but I think she'll get used to it as long as I keep it up on a regular basis. Now to get ready for another week of work.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sick or Old (or just sick of being old)

Nick and Desi had been sick with a bad cold when they arrived two weeks ago, and as they were recovering I started feeling congested and achy. Now the congestion's gone but I still don't feel up to par. It has me wondering when was the last time I did feel up to par. I hate being sick, but I think this is more of an age issue. Don't get me wrong, I really don't care how old I am (I'm approaching 50 fast enough), but somewhere along the way I've totally gotten out of shape. OK, this is a serious issue I need to deal with. Being out of shape is making me out of sorts with everyone. Please be patient and supportive with me as I try to climb the ladder to better health. I don't care if I live a long life and long as I feel good in the life I have.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fairytale Wedding

My good friend Marianne, and her daughter Bethany (also my friend) asked me last fall if I would consider making a wedding dress for Bethany who was to be married at the end of February. I was happy to oblige as my efforts would be a much better gift than I could ever have afforded at the time.
The quest for patterns and fabric was on. Bethany really wanted something that felt sort of 15th century and princess-y. They went to San Francisco in search of ivory brocade and came home with a couple of yards of said brocade and several yards of ivory velvet. The brocade (which was beautiful) was discontinued and the store only had a few yards, so they decided to use it for the contrast, and velvet for the main dress. To any of you who have sewn velvet before, well, you know how my heart sunk. It has to be the hardest fabric to sew... it slips and walks and stretches... anyway, I didn't say a word to the bride because the purchase was made and it was what she wanted.
Every time I take on a big sewing project I remember how much I really enjoy sewing. And for all the lost sleep over this dress, I would like to make it again with a different fabric. All in all, the dress really suited the bride and the wedding was beautiful.
I am so glad it's over :)
Yes, it was a Scottish wedding with all the men - including minister - in kilts

Monday, February 23, 2009

Get A Job!

Well, I finally have some steady employment!
After taking some required tests, and filling out a ton of paperwork, Fresno Unified School District put me on the roll as a substitute aid for Special Ed. I left the main office after the final go ahead (TB test was negative and fingerprints cleared) and within 10 minutes I got a call for a job through the end of the school year to sub in a class for autistic children - and the job started the next day! It feels good to have a set routine to my day again. And I'm already falling in love with some of the kids. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I left for Sacramento on Feb. 29 to catch a flight to Miami. My friend Renee and I were going to meet up with 3 more members of the crew at 4:30am on the 30th. She had a son flying in to Sacto on the 29th (just coincidence) and so we decided to make it a full day visiting - the first part of the day with her family and the second half of the day with some of my family (Ryan and Alena very graciously put us up for the night and drove us to the airport at that ungodly hour).
I had the best visit with Ryan and Alena! It had been way too long since I'd seen them! And I'd never seen Brody other than pictures! The boys were so precious and loving - little Ryan is a ham (like father like son). We got to catch up on what everyone is doing and just hang out. I've really missed Ryan from the times we hung out before he moved away from Fresno. It was great to see how he and Alena work as a team with the boys. In fact I had such a good time that I forgot to get my camera out till after the boys were in bed. We all agreed that it won't be so long between visits this time.

The plane took off just before 6am and, after a day of flying with one layover in Houston, landed in Miami about 5:30pm eastern time. That was the last rest we had for the week.
We were at the Miami port at 7am getting paperwork filed for security passes so we could load the equipment from the semi onto the ship. The load in went well until we discovered that the stage had no ramps or elevator access and we had to dismantle everything we could (the massive weight of lightboards, monitors, risers, etc.. is unbelievable) so we could walk things down the stairs through the theater and then hoist them up onto the stage. The rest of the set up went well and we only worked till about midnight, when the show ended. Everyone awoke with sore muscles the next day and that's pretty much how it stayed till we disembarked.

Although nothing about this trip can be considered a vacation, I did get to go ashore for some of the ports of call - even if it was for just a bit (this is when I had my camera the most, so according to my pictures I was always away :) ).
Here is Renee and I with our great boss Luis.

I did meet a few men on the trip.

This guy was pretty much camouflaged but I spotted him anyway.
This pic was taken so we could fool ourselves that we were on a relaxing cruise - haha

Here was a quick stop to watch the Super Bowl that we had on in the production office. My poor Cardinals came this close!
another date of mine :)
My cabin is the far right window in the thinner blue stripe - it was a great room.
Standing on deck at the port of Key West
I took this picture from my stateroom

We had an addition of two other women who came with one of the organizers of these cruises. Paula and Carole. Unlike other add on crew members of the past, they quickly understood that this was all work and not play. They fit in really well and it was great to have a few more women on the team.

Here is a shot of our ship from shore

A picture of me on the "floating gift shop" Royal Caribbean's private island

Obviously, people in Miami go through the tapatio very quickly!

I'm so glad to be home in my own bed...After grocery shopping my first stop is at the massage station!