Monday, February 23, 2009

Get A Job!

Well, I finally have some steady employment!
After taking some required tests, and filling out a ton of paperwork, Fresno Unified School District put me on the roll as a substitute aid for Special Ed. I left the main office after the final go ahead (TB test was negative and fingerprints cleared) and within 10 minutes I got a call for a job through the end of the school year to sub in a class for autistic children - and the job started the next day! It feels good to have a set routine to my day again. And I'm already falling in love with some of the kids. I'll keep you posted.


life at mono lake said...

i am so glad the finger prints cleared. you must have really wiped down that gu..........
just kidding!!!
so happy for your. feels good to be among the ranks up the employed now doesnt it. we can celebrate when you come visit this year

Erica said...

That is wonderful!!! You are talented in so many areas, and always seem to take things on with such grace. You are an amazing role model. I am sure each one of the Freeman kids would list you as one of their heroes.

life at mono lake said...

sauce, you know i was kidding, right? too busy at work to answer?

Grama Peechee said...

Erica, you are so sweet! Thanks. And Moe, I'm really not ignoring you, but yes, I'm a bit busy with the new joy and with finishing a renn style wedding dress for a friend. Sometimes (in this last week only) I'll go a couple of days without stopping at the computer