Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, to catch up... my last day at the fair was Sunday, Oct. 12, however I went Monday late afternoon on the last day to pick up my check. The check wasn't ready so I just stayed and helped with the show (Great White, and Brett Michaels). After the bands left I helped pack up supplies and load everthing back into storage. What should have been my day off actually ended at 1:15am on Tuesday Morning. I had to meet with the associate director of the Opera that morning re: picking up equipment for the orchestra, which we did from 8am till noon. Then from 1pm till 9:30p I watched that rehearsal. *sidenote - I may not always like the operas, but the orchestral arrangement was beautiful About that time I got a call from Michele saying that she had been having contractions about every 5 minutes and if it kept up for an hour she was going to the hospital. So I told her to call me if she was admitted and I'd be right there. The call came at midnight! When I got to the hospital everything was progressing, but slowly. We sent Nick home to sleep and take the other children to school in the morning. Needless to say, Michele and I both had fitfull nights. I can't begin to tell you how absolutely horrible the chair they gave me to "sleep" in was, and Michele's bed had a bar going across the center of her back that kept her up all night. By 8am she had dilated to 5 and was 80% efaced, however, at that point her contractions had all but stopped. At 9am she was examined again and we learned, to our shock and dismay, that she had actually un-dilated! Have you ever heard of that before? We hadn't. The doctor on call (her own doctor was on vacation starting that day) told us to go home and wait till the contractions came back and were 3-5 minutes apart. We were stunned, then mad, and then sad. We were also extremely exhausted.
So, for now, no baby yet. It will happen soon enough and that will be great. I can't wait to see my new granddaughter. Keep checking back here and on Michele's blog to see the latest pictures.

1 comment:

life at mono lake said...

oh sauce i am so tired for you and chele.
how are you
i tried to call today
anyway, thinking of ya
love ya