You Know It's Spring When...
Everyone is blogging about flowers and blossoms!
After much rain, and no attention to my yard for the last 6 - 8 weeks I am ecstatic that I am finally able to spend time outside. Yardwork is very cathartic for me. And last summer I had everything the way I wanted it. Then came the Hell-puppy. I know I will survive this time, and more importantly, my yard will survive, but... I've had to work out a system of keeping Spanky (puppy's name) away from my plants.
Another indicator of Spring is that the local SuperMarket starts putting plants out for sale. Plants don't do well in the florescent lights of a grocery store, so after they start looking bad everything goes on clearance.
Just look what I got!
Another indicator of Spring is that the local SuperMarket starts putting plants out for sale. Plants don't do well in the florescent lights of a grocery store, so after they start looking bad everything goes on clearance.
Just look what I got!
It was on clearance for $1.00!
Last year Michele gave me a bunch of Lily plants and I threw them in this pot and forgot about them. I actually got a flower!
I love this weather!
After the harshest winter San Antonio has ever seen (4 months near 32 degrees at night) EVERYTHING in our yard that didn't die from last summer's drought is now officially dead. I am sure ready for spring!
I think your mystery plant may be Aster.
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