Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas was wonderful... for everyone but Alex :( She spent the better part of her day in the emergency room because, despite the antibiotics and the apparently ineffectual pain meds, she was continuing to get worse (the diagnosis was tonsillitis) and spent late X-Mas eve and early X-Mas day vomiting. Strep and Mono were ruled out, which is good as far as contaigen goes, but bad because it means she just has to wait it out. The doctor - a much better doc than the first one she went to - gave her better antibiotics and much better pain pills. For the first time in days she's not on the verge of tears. My poor baby. After picking up the Rx we got home about 5:30 this evening and just laid around. I'm hoping that she'll feel great by New Years and will get to go out for a really good time.

1 comment:

life at mono lake said...

poor baby. that sucks. well, i hope santa got her something other then that!!
we are loungng around too! only we feel pretty good. must be the brandy.
merry christmas and happy new year sauce.
love mona and paul