Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting Back into Shape

Week two, day five of the diet! Well, I have to say that once I started and got through the worst part (the first four days) I'm really not having a hard time sticking to my plan. Clothes are fitting better, but because I don't have a scale I don't know how much I've lost. I've been doing some exercising at home, and I still walk on the weekend with my girlfriends, but last night Alex called and the exercise started in earnest. It was late and Ali wanted to go for a walk to Fresno High and do the stairs. I really didn't feel like it... but since it was on my list to get back to walking I went. So wish me luck because I really have to do this. Not just for the reunion, but for me. I'm really too old to play around with my health.


michele cabiness said...

You know, I remember asking you if it looked like I had been crying, but I remember it from first, and maybe even second grade. Wow, I sure am glsd that none of my kids are THAT bad!! And, does this mean that you are volunteering to make 3 matching Christmas dresses?

life at mono lake said...

i wish i were there to walk the stairs with you. maybe we can , next spring, go kayaking for a few weeks over here. remember last time? wasnt that fun / p.s. can i have a matching xmas dress too?
love you tons

Grama Peechee said...

Michele, you have to make the Christmas dresses for your girls, and Moe - I'll make you a matching dress if you promise to wear the matching ruffled panties.

life at mono lake said...

pinky promise! you dont know how cute i look in matching ruffle panties...
then everyone will want a pari..better buy a nice big bolt of fabric..