Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sick or Old (or just sick of being old)

Nick and Desi had been sick with a bad cold when they arrived two weeks ago, and as they were recovering I started feeling congested and achy. Now the congestion's gone but I still don't feel up to par. It has me wondering when was the last time I did feel up to par. I hate being sick, but I think this is more of an age issue. Don't get me wrong, I really don't care how old I am (I'm approaching 50 fast enough), but somewhere along the way I've totally gotten out of shape. OK, this is a serious issue I need to deal with. Being out of shape is making me out of sorts with everyone. Please be patient and supportive with me as I try to climb the ladder to better health. I don't care if I live a long life and long as I feel good in the life I have.


Anonymous said...

It sucks to get old, but being out of shape is even worse. My doctor says that exercise is the best remedy for the aches and pains of aging, but that hurts too! Why can't we all just lie in hammocks all day and enjoy our golden years?

Erica said...

Getting into shape is the hardest thing Ever!!! But once you get there, staying in shape is addicting. I hope you feel better soon.

life at mono lake said...

hey big sis, i am just a few years behind ya. and i hear you loud and clear. i say : come up to my elevation and we walk our socks off and go kayaking and remember what it is like to feel like kinds again.
i am sorry you dont feel up to par, but i just know that you are the health tonic i have been looking for.
miss you